We sincerely thank our sponsors for their dedication. Through their support, new Muslims are embracing Islam every day.
For several terms, the Al Furqaan Foundation has been a dedicated partner in our dawah initiatives, generously providing FREE copies of the Clear Quran.
We express our immense gratitude for their consistent support—JazakAllahu Khairan!
Through this partnership, we've been able to share the Clear Quran with non-Muslims and reverts, helping them learn about the core teachings of Islam.
For several terms, Darussalam has been a dedicated supporter of the IIC library, generously providing FREE books to increase the community's knowledge.
We express our immense gratitude for their consistent support—JazakAllahu Khairan!
Through this partnership, we've been able to lend Islamic books to members of our community (Muslim and non-Muslim), helping them increase their knowledge of Islam.